Hi 👋, my name is

Benaiah Alumona.

Making The Impossible Possible Using 1s and 0s.

I'm a Self-taught Software Enigineer with a passion for thoughtful UI design, collaboration, and building.

About Me.

Hi, I'm Benaiah Alumona 👋 and I enjoy solving problems for a living.At times, I can't help but feel a sense of awe, as if I possess an extraordinary ability to command the very fabric of the internet with 1s and 0s.

My journey in tech started back in 2019, inspired by a YouTube video featuring two remarkable youngsters: Santiago Gonzalez who built and deployed dozzens of apps on the appstore using Objective-C at age 14 and Michael Sayman who got employed at facebook at age 17 for building an app called 4snap.

Since then, ive been inspired and motivated to keep building and solving whatever problems i may encounter in software engineering industry using 1s and 0s. Despite having no prior mentor when i first started uptill now, i've pushed myself to Learn, Relearn and Teach others aswell.

Approximately 6 months into my journey in the software engineering space, I had the privilege of delivering lectures to a diverse group of Computer Science undergraduates and graduates and also had the opportunity of developing numerous projects / assignments for about 20+ final year students after graduating secondary school.

As a result of been persistent and consistent, i've participated in 22+ international competitions and have won 11 of them and counting. I was even certified as one of the top 300 participants globally in an internship program with over 11,000 participants.

Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:







Prisma ORM






profile image


This space contains some of the things i've built to solve some of the problems i find frustrating or others find as well. Other random projects can be find in my Universe.

Projects Unavailable

I haven't uploaded any project yet!.
